Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Biography of Sara Pettitt

Sara Brianne Pettitt is 21 years old. She is the third oldest girl and the seventh oldest of the Pettitt's. She just returned from Chile, South America on April 15th, 2015 after a eighteen month long mission. She is now back at home until fall, when she will return back to school. Sara's birthday is April 18th.
Sara graduated from Carroll High in 2012 and went to the University of Northern Iowa for one year and played golf on a scholarship. After one year, she turned in her mission papers and was called to serve in the Chile Osorno Mission. Before going to Chile, she stopped at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) for six weeks in Mexico City. Now that she is back, she will probably start work in a little bit, but before that she will vacation to her siblings' houses. There's not much to write because she still has a life and journey in front of her. We have truly missed her while she was on her mission, and we are all glad that she is back home, safe and sound. 

Biography of Kristen (Pettitt) Bell

Kristen Clare Bell is 23 years old. She is the second oldest girl and the sixth oldest of the Pettitt's. She was married to Ryan Bell on October 11th, 2012. She is currently living in Kilgore, Texas, but will be moving soon because her husband will be finishing school in May. Kristen's birthday is November 6th, and Ryan's birthday is April 24th. 
Kristen graduated from Carroll High in 2010 and went to beauty school in Utah for two years. This is where she met the love of her life, Ryan Bell. The funny thing is, is that our family actually met Ryan before Kristen did. Ryan served a mission in the Iowa mission, and one of his terms was here in Carroll, Iowa. Before he left, he asked our dad if he could take her out on a date and clean her car since his dad also owned a car wash. They dated and both lived in Utah for a while, but after getting married and sticking around for a year or so they decided to moved to Texas. Texas is where Ryan went to school to finish his degree. That is where they are now. With them living in Texas, it actually brings them to Iowa more often than in Utah because of the shorter distance. Even with them closer, they don't seem close enough because I can never get too much of my older sister and roommate.  

Monday, February 16, 2015

Biography of Kirby Pettitt

Kirby Christopher Pettitt is 25 years old. He is the fourth oldest boy and the fifth oldest of the Pettitt's. He is currently living in Arizona, but will come back for the summer and then back to Arizona for the winter. He is a single pringle. His birthday in July 30th. 
Kirby graduated from Carroll High in 2008 and went to Colorado State University for five years. He went there on a golf scholarship and golfed all five years. After graduating with a business degree with four years of college, he decided to stay for a fifth. After his fifth year of college he graduated, and he turned a professional golfer. That summer he golfed in tournaments in the Midwest. The fall/winter of 2013 he went down to Arizona where he golfed. The spring of 2014 he came back to golf that summer and then back to Arizona that fall/winter again, where he is currently. Kirby comes back for holidays, so its not too bad, but we miss his loud mouth around here sometimes. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Biography of Wade Pettitt

Wade Michael Pettitt is 27 years old. He is the third oldest boy and the fourth oldest of the Pettitt's. He currently lives in Davenport, Iowa. He is engaged to Kelsey Lynn Eischeid. They dated for about 2 years I think and are now getting married. There big day is July 4th, 2015. He is going to school now to become a teacher, and Kelsey is going to chiropractic school. They will both be done in about a year or two. Wade's birthday is April 7th and Kelsey's birthday is February 11th. 

Wade graduated from Carroll High in 2005 and went to Indian Hill Community College for two years. Then he attended Drake for a year, and then he turned pro in the fall of September of 2008. For his very first event he went to Canada to qualify for the Canadian Tour, but earned a partial status on the Canadian Tour for the 2009 season. After, he went to Arizona in November of 2009 and stayed there for the winter. He would come back in the summer, do some tours in the Midwest, and he would also work at the club while giving some lessons. He did that for four more years, so a total of five.  The golf season of 2012, 2013, and 2014 he was the assistant pro out at the country club. In the middle of November of 2013 he moved to Davenport, Iowa to go back to school and become a teacher after declining the position to become head pro at the Carroll Country Club (CCC). He continues to go to school and live in Davenport with his fiance, but comes back to visit. We all look forward to his and Kelsey's big day in July!

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Life of the Pettitt's in Basketball

      Basketball tends to be another sport that runs in the FAM! All the kids that have gone through high school have played all four years. Ben started at least 2 if not 3 of the four years he played in High School. This goes for the same as Tiff and Nate. I believe it was Tiff's sophomore and junior year that her team made it to state, and they won it once and place second the other. Her team was pretty great! Wade and Kirby were really good also! Wade finished 3rd in state as a senior. They started at least a couple of the four years they played. Kirby holds 4th or 5th in leading scorers at Carroll High with about 1,320 something points. Kristen popped the 3 pointers while her younger sister, Sara, played point guard for varsity all four years of high school, and sadly Jill quit after two years in high school because she just couldn't play with her teammates. Hopefully I can make varsity next year, but I am going to have to work my butt off. Jace will also be playing basketball next year, but not as high as he would like because he actually has a lot of competition. Gabe plays lots of basketball, but won't be on a team until next year on the Carroll Middle School team, and for Grace, well shes already playing on a traveling team, so I think when they get around to high school the girls should actually be pretty good.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Biography of Nate Pettitt and all his Girls

     The Coach and Ref keeps these girls in line.

     Nathaniel (Nate) Drew Pettitt is 33 years old. He is the second oldest boy and the third oldest sibling. He currently lives in Urbandale, Iowa. He was married to Sarah Renee Stahl when he was 23 years old. They have five children and they are all girls. Hannah Isabella is eight years old and was born on September 10th, 2006. Allison Renee is six years old and was born on June 24th, 2008. Camille Grace is four years old and was born on June 19th, 2010. Emma Jean is two years old and was born on July 4th, 2012. Rebecca Brianne is almost five months old and was born on August 27th, 2014.  Nate's birthday is October 15th and Sarah's birthday is July 21st. Sarah is a stay home mom that studied human development and family studies at Colorado State University where Nate and she met. Nate is currently an accountant in Grimes, Iowa for a cable company.
             Latest Family Pic
     Nate graduated from Carroll High in 2000 and went to Colorado State for a year. He returned home that spring for about a month or so, and then he took off for Italy where he served a mission for two full years. He returned home that summer in June of 2003. That fall he went back to Colorado State University to complete his degree. While he was there, he met the love of his life and married her in December of 2004. Together they both attended school the next two years. Sarah graduated in August of 2006 and four months later Nate graduated that December. Before he graduated they had their first child on September 10th of 2006. After graduating in December they moved straight to Carroll. He was the general manager at the Country Club for about three years. In Carroll is where they had their 2nd child, Allison Renee. After working there they moved to Ames, Iowa in 2009 where he went back to school for his Masters and work in a couple different places. They had their next two children there. They lived in Ames for a while and moved to Urbandale in the Summer of 2013 to where they currently live now. There they had their fifth child. Sarah has her hands full with all her girls at home, so shes always busy. Nate just can't get enough of his girls, so he stop home for lunch sometimes. With all these girls the house can get pretty hectic, but they sure keep the rest of us smiling!:) 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Biography of Tiff (Pettitt) Briggs and her Family

Tiffany (Tiff) Ann Briggs is 34 years old. She is the oldest girl and the second oldest sibling. She currently lives in Waukee, Iowa. She was married to Daniel David Briggs when she was nineteen. They have five children -four boys and one girl- and one on the way. Cameron is fifteen and was born on June 27th, 1999. Kiara is twelve and was born on October 20th, 2002. Caleb is eight and was born on April 25th, 2006. Calvin is five and was born on December 8th, 2008. Corbin is two and was born 
on January 2nd, 2012, and the sixth is due April 22nd. Tiff's birthday is February 12th and Dan's birthday is July 27th. Dan is a high school chemistry teacher and coaches girls, boys, and summer lessons swimming. Tiff has her teaching degree and had a daycare at her house for several years, but now does some book keeping for an insurance company and continues being a stay home mom and sells pamper chef. Tiff graduated from Carroll High in 1998 and went to college at Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa, for one year. The next year they lived in Carroll and went to DMACC, but then both went back to Simpson the last two years to finish. After graduating from college she and her husband moved straight to Waukee. There he began teaching right away that fall and she subbed for about a year before opening her daycare. Dan continues teaching and coaching for Waukee while Tiff stays home with her kids and does some booking keeping and selling for Pamper Chef. She enjoys working at home, so she can participate in all her kid's school and extra circular activities.